Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Last Day

My flight on my last day in Utah, was a red eye, so I had all day to spend with the family.  We decided to make gingerbread people cookies.  We used the recipe found here.  The recipe made about 24 cookies.  http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/gingerbread_man_cookies/
We had so much fun decorating the cookies.  We made our own royal icing to decorate with.  We did not use egg whites because we were scared of salmonella poisoning. So we just mixed water with powered sugar to make the icing.  Make sure it's pretty thick and not runny icing so that it dries quickly.
We used marshmallows and chocolate chips, and used food coloring to make pink icing.  My sister-in-law said that this one she decorated is Lady Gaga.  Hahahahaha.  She is very "elaborately decorated".
A boy and girl gingerbread couple.  We put popsicle sticks on the cookies to make it easier for the boys to eat. 
Like how cute is this right?
Poor little guy did not stand a chance.  I ate him.  Hehehehe
Nothing beats a plate full of yummy gingerbread people.  Yum.
The boys sure liked them.  Too cute!  What type of holiday cookies are you making?  What are your favorites?


  1. What a wonderful family time together! It sounds like everyone had a great time! Welcome back!

  2. Oh yes. These definitely look delicious. My daughters have high cookie ambitions this year. Spritz, Sugar, Gingerbread and more. I'll probably gain a ton of weight. :)

  3. It sounds like you are having a fun time. Your cookies turned out so cute! I used to make sugar cookies and snickerdoodles, but after losing weight, and finding out my husband has diabetes, I haven't been baking very much.


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