Saturday, March 24, 2012

Rewarded by Laziness

Last year, I didn't cleanup the edible garden at all.  I left the plants that were still growing in the ground, for no other reason than pure laziness.  We lucked out with an extremely mild winter. When I went to the garden today, I noticed that many of the plants were still going strong.  They overwintered perfectly fine.  Today, I harvested some broccoli, a carrot, and 2 leeks!  I am never going to cleanup my garden ever again if I can produce results like this!  I never would have thought that I could harvest vegetables in March, especially in New York!  A strange start to the growing season indeed!


  1. The first time this happened to me I was in shock and I am zone 6 Nova Scotia. Bet that carrot, those leeks and broccoli never tasted as good and you might be surprised, it may not have been the mild winter.

  2. I recently harvested radishes that overwintered. I was surprised to see them surviving!

  3. We have had the same strange weather down south of you as well!

  4. I already tilled and saw that I had a few leeks that I could have harvested..oh well. Ive just got to get my peas in this weekend...if it stops raining!

  5. I have had a similar experience and have spring onions parsley and red onions that have come through the winter. I am looking forward to sautéing the parsley and spring onions to put on top of some baked potatoes.


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