Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Roadtrip to the Beehive Barn

This weekend, we took a ride out to Cranbury, NJ to do a special pickup. We were going to the Beehive Barn, an apiary that not only sells bees but sells beehives and all other kinds of supplies for beekeeping. I've never been to the Beehive Barn before so this was a special treat!
It's about an hours drive from Manhattan, and the ride out to the 'country' would not have been bad if we hadn't hit traffic on the NJ Turnpike South. We sat in traffic for about an hour. When we finally arrived, I was beyond excited! Our main goal for this trip was to pickup a package of 20,000 bees and the Queen bee that recently arrived from Georgia.  All the bee packages were stored in this barn.
Sally, who owns the apiary said to me, "Go ahead and go into the barn and pick out your own package!" How cool is that?
As I got closer to the barn, I could hear all the buzzing inside. It looked like hundreds of packages inside. Super cool!
I picked out a package and made sure the Queen was still alive. Then I went over to the workshop to pickup some deep frames with foundation.
Here's a photo of them pulling 12 frames for me. They make these and all the beehives by hand! So cool!
Here's another photo of the woodworking shop! I felt so lucky to be able to see where they make beehives. Whenever I can, I try to support local businesses. This is pretty awesome!
Another view of the workshop.
Right outside the workshop was a flock of chickens. I am so loving this place! This is my "dream farm", one day I want to raise chickens with my bees!!
Here's the package I picked out. This will be installed into the hive that we lost over the winter. Stay tuned for that blog post soon!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun adventure you had! I enjoyed seeing the place. I also went back and read your previous post. How amazing to see all those bees that survived the winter! I'm sorry the one group did not.


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