I've never been big on salads. I like them, but it's not anything I crave. Don't get me wrong, I love my veggies! I'm just more of a cook my vegetable kind of a gal, than a eat raw veggies person. However, having a garden for the first time, has inspired me to be more salad centric. Today, we had a good harvest, all things perfect for a nice organic salad.
We picked this from the garden... Our first of the season. Disappointingly small, but very tasty.

Here's the salad I made for me and the hubby. Black simpson lettuce, green leaf lettuce, carrots, cucumber, and beets and string beans which I sauteed with a bit of Olive oil, s+p and seasoning. I don't know, maybe it was the 94 degree weather or the fact that everything was pulled from the garden, but somehow this was the best salad I ever ate!!