Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Honeybees in Iris Heaven

Last weekend when I arrived to do a hive inspection, I was so blown away by how pretty Emily's backyard looked. There was a sea of irises and allium blooming! So pretty!

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This is my favorite time of year! Isn't this just stunning! I just love spring flowers, and they best thing about bulbs is that they naturally split, so year after year, more and more bloom! Look closely, you can even see bleeding hearts blooming too!
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I brought our dog to beekeeping for the first time. And she loved it. Valentina spent the day exploring the backyard.
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Valentina, was loving the backyard. Smelling all the flowers. Finding sticks. She even got pollen on her little forehead. She is the cutest!

The alliums are so pretty against the lush green!
The beehive looks amazing! I added an additional honey super box on top of the beehive. I already saw evidence of them making honey!
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I was using a feeder on this hive, but since there are so many flowers in bloom now, there is no longer a need for a feeder. I removed the feeder and found that the bees have made some burr comb to fill in the space. It was very pretty! I removed all the burr comb.
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It was a perfect beekeeping day. Can't wait to see how the season progresses! Hope to get a good honey flow this season!

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