Sunday, December 12, 2010

Can I Have That Christmas Tree?

These last few weeks, I've been seeing Christmas trees that I wouldn't mine having. Like this one, can you see what kind of ornaments are on this tree?  (Click on the image to Bigify the photo to take a closer look.)  Yup, that's right, it's Home Depot gift cards as ornaments.  Man, could we use a Christmas tree like that!
This tree, I saw on an email newsletter, unfortunately, it was a small photo, so you can't see this photo very clearly. Can you tell what type of ornaments are on this little guy?  It's a tree with Burpee seeds.  How cute is that, and what a great little idea.  Maybe I can still do a small tree like this one for a present to a family member that I know would appreciate it.
This tree isn't garden related but I thought it was so adorable!  It was sitting in a store window of a bead store. 
Here is a closeup of the ornaments, I love crafty things and this was just too cute.  If I had more time, I would make ornaments like these.
This is our Christmas tree that we got yesterday. I always feel a little guilty about buying a once living tree to reside in our house for 1 month. Okay, I feel more than a little guilty, I feel a lot guilty.  However, you just can't beat the smell or look of a fresh pine tree.  Maybe after the holidays are over, I can convince the hubs to keep this tree in the backyard so we could create mulch out of it.  Hmmm....


  1. Your tree is pretty. I am assuming you got it from someone who planted it for folks to use for Christmas trees, so it has now fulfilled its purpose. Don't feel guilty. I would put it next to your bags of leaves, though, and provide shelter for critters.

  2. Pretty Christmas trees. I REALLY like the one with the seeds! That is so clever! It would be a great gift for a gardener.

  3. I will be parking my tree out in the garden thru the winter after we are done with it in the house, I made dehydrated fruit ornaments tied on with raffia that will stay on even outside for the critters.

  4. Those are some nice trees. I have finally gone to a pre-lit fake tree, which looks almost real. I burn pine scented candles for the aroma of a live tree.

  5. I do love the first one, it's a "money tree"! I really like yours, so pretty and natural looking!

  6. ha ha - I bet your neighbor would love it if you junked the tree out back with your bags of leaves! :)

    Your tree is beautiful!

    I also love that tree from the bead store. How creative and fun.


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