Saturday, June 11, 2011


I've noticed around the garden that we have quite a bit of "volunteer" plants sprinkled amongst the beds. Since last year was our first gardening experience, I didn't know what to expect with volunteer plants. So far I've seen the following pop up. I think this may be a cucumber plant. There are 2 volunteers growing in the garden. I'll have to move them to another location soon.
We aren't growing potatoes again this year, however, I have 3 volunteer plants growing.  We put up new raised beds, and this one is growing up next to one.
We also have a ton of volunteer tomato plants.  Being that I hate to destroy any plants, especially the edible ones, I will let these grow until they are big enough to be potted up and given away.  I am not sure what type of tomatoes these will grow to be since we grew a variety last year.  I'm guessing it could be the Romas.
Here's another volunteer growing next to the snap pea bed.
I potted up a few already.  These were given to the hub's work friend.  So far, I have potted up 15 volunteers.  I have a bunch of other friends in line for receiving the volunteers.  I'm glad they will go to good homes. 


  1. I discovered a bunch of tomato volunteers growing in my potato bed. I am not sure what to do with them yet so for now they are still there.

  2. Tommy Toes. That's where they come from.

  3. You sure have a lot of volunteers! I think it's kind of fun to see what comes up even if you haven't planted them. So long as they dont interfere with the rest of the garden :)

  4. I got a community plot this year in town and discovered that the person before me planted a lot of dill. It's volunteering all over my plot, so I offered some to my neighbor gardeners!
    Bet you're curious to see what kind of tomatoes develop!

  5. Last year I let every single volunteer grow where it was...never again. They did not produce good tomatoes-pumpkins-gourds or carrots. So now I pull them out, its hard to do and I feel bad to do that but Im running out of precious real estate. All the volunteer herbs I do let stay tho ;)

  6. I've been digging out volunteers too. I keep telling reminding myself that I must be more diligent with the deadheading. Especially Verbena bonariensis. :)

  7. I have some kind of gourd or squash volunteer growing in the grass from some rotting ones in threw off the deck in the winter! hahah -- who would have thought! I made hubby mow around them ;)

  8. I've had tons of volunteer tomatoes too! I've just been pulling them out, though - off to the compost they go. How great that you've been potting them up to give a way...if/when I find more, I'll start doing the same.

    I did keep one that was already well-established when I found. Total mystery what kind it is / will be, but it's big and healthy and I guess we'll see!

    I hope that is a cucumber you've got there...wouldn't hurt to have more pickles for your bloody marys. :)

  9. We have more volunteer watermelons than anything else.


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