The hubs wanted to re-use this wood so he carefully removed the wood and tried to salvage most of it.

He took the wood planks, planed them and sanded them. It was a lot of work! It has taken him a month to remove the wood pieces, and get them ready to make me... a garden bench!!

Isn't it beautiful? My husband is the best! Even though he works a full-time job, he's been working on this garden bench before work, on his days off, you name it. I love it, it's so perfect! Even more so, the fact that we could re-use / recycle the wood from the house and not spend a dime on materials, priceless!

The only money we spent was $10 for the circular barbeque grill replacement part that my husband put in for me to catch the dirt as I pot things. He used a jigsaw to cut a hole and fastened the grill under it. Neat right??

I found this potting bench that looks like the one the hubs made. Check out the price!! Wow, so expensive! Saving money and the environment feels awesome!
Oh, and check out the Tool Bench he built for himself out of the same reclaimed wood. Two pieces of furniture out of wood from our attic floors. Totally...Awesome!