Sunday, February 6, 2011

Project: Save the Bees (Giveaway)

Holly over at Tasty Travels, started this idea to save the bees.  Her idea is simple. Buy a packet of seeds of bee friendly flowers and offer the flower seeds to fellow gardeners to plant in their gardens to encourage the bees in their community.

It's a neat idea isn't it?  Kinda reminds me of that movie Field of Dreams.  "Grow it and they will come."   Our little part can help save the bees!

Here are the rules:
To Participate in PROJECT: Save the Bees:
If you'd like to participate in your own bee friendly flower giveaway, post an announcement on your blog about the project and what you are giving away and/or your rules. Commit to the following:
1) Purchase a seed packet of bee friendly flowers and figure out how many people you'd like to share with
2) Announce the project on your blog/website and offer the seeds to others (starting Sunday, Feb 6th)
3) Link your post back to this post on Tasty Travels
4) Mail your seeds to your people
5) Update your original post with a list of places you mailed your seeds

I decided to offer the following seeds Foxglove and Hollyhocks to anyone living in the United States.
Foxgloves because I saw it last spring at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden and I fell in love with how gorgeous and tall these flowers bloom.  (see photo below) They were easily 4 feet tall!  I also noticed a lot of bees attracted to the gorgeous blooms.  I don't have a photo of Hollyhocks but you can see what they look like here.  All you need to do is send me an email with your mailing information by using the form here.  There should be a lot of seeds, so I'll give these out until I run out.
I hope you'll participate!  Every little bit helps!


  1. Ooo, sounds like fun. So you think seeds from last year's stash will work??? We got seeds for lots of perennial flowers that I don't really NEED any more of now. I can offer probably 3 or 4 varieties.

  2. Is great you are joining too. We have to do the most to keep bees doing well. I think they will love Foxglove and Hollyhocks

  3. We grow our first hollyhock last year and we are looking forward to grow them again. We would like to try to find some foxgloves seeds and grow them this coming autumn. So hopefully with these two flowers in the garden we will have more bees visiting us.

  4. Sounds like a good project. We have several trees on our property that really pull in the bees in the Spring.

  5. Interesting project... I am trying to figure out which native flowers can attract bees around Tanah Merah, my place.

  6. Beautiful flowers! I'm sure they'll go to a fantastic home! Thanks for playing along! I'm sure the bees appreciate it too! =0)

  7. Ah, this is a great idea. I am sure I have some bee friendly seeds in my stash.

  8. sounds incredibly easy and what a wonderful idea...will do

  9. At the moment, none of my flowers are attracting bees. Im making new flower beds to plant some new seeds I bought and given by bloggers maybe could attract them later. I hope zinnia, evening sunflower, marigold, balsam, cosmos will attract bees and butterflies to my small garden. Great idea!

  10. This is the only kind of effort that will help the bees and solve many other environmental problems. We need to take control of our own gardens and manage them for endangered wildlife. I just want to point out that snowdrops are the first flowers to bloom and are honey-scented because they are pollinated by bees. Perhaps your contest could encourage people to divide and mail out their snowdrop bulbs. You can do it now while they are growing if you carefully dig the clump, separate the plants, wash off the soil, wrap the plant in a damp paper towel, put it in a plastic bag, and mail it. Having flowers in very early spring is so important for bees. Anyone with questions on how to do this should feel free to contact me.

  11. A lovely idea. We seem to have an abundance of bees here thankfully. We have several bee keepers in the area.

  12. Love what ya did - my blog post to save the bees is officially up as well! Thanks for caring! :)


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