Tuesday, July 12, 2011

2nd Week of July Harvest

Yesterday, we harvested all the garlic from this bed.  I planted 40 cloves last fall, and I am just thrilled with the results.  This is our first time growing garlic and it was SO incredibly easy.  I am totally growing this every year!  It is by far one of the easiest things to grow, and the hardneck variety is totally awesome!  Especially since it grew so many scapes for us.  I am planting more tomatoes in the empty garlic bed. 
I also harvested some more radishes, and one puny looking carrot.  I pulled the carrot because it was sticking out of the ground.  Radishes are probably the 2nd easiest things to grow.  30 days and voila!  It's just so satisfying to have a veggie grow so quickly!  Most of these radish bulbs are pretty small, I need to figure out a way to bulk them up more.  I use compost and fish emulsion but they still look a bit teeny tiny. Any organic suggestions you have is appreciated!
This post was meant for Harvest Monday hosted by Daphne's Dandelions, but I'm a day late.


  1. The radishes are so pretty! That's a lot of garlic too:) Very nice!

  2. Hooray for your hefty garlic harvest!!

  3. Water. I've noticed that my radishes are small when it's dry. I could be totally off the mark, but I think that evenly damp soil will result in bigger (and milder!) radishes.

  4. You just did Harvest Tuesday! LOL!

    Good job with the garlic. I just pulled my hardnecks this week as well. The elephant garlic is still in the ground though... soon to be pulled too.

  5. Good harvest!

    So much fun and so satisfying growing your own.

  6. I love growing garlic too. Such a simple crop.


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