Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Warm Gift

My father-in-law gave the hubs and I, a funny thoughtful gift.  His and hers Snuggies.  You see, when he was here helping us with rebuilding our garage, he said our house was a bit chilly.  Gulp.  We're terrible, we're frugal with our heat, we keep the thermostat at 63F.  The hubs and I figure we can put on layers of clothing to keep warm instead of pumping the heat.  It's expensive to heat our old 1901 house since it's so poorly insulated.  Since there's only 2 of us that live here, we are fine with having the thermostat at a lower temperature.  Evenmore so now that we have our very own Snuggie!  Hopefully this will keep us warm.
Our cat Yaffa really likes the Snuggie too.  She's been sleeping on it everyday.


  1. From the look on Yaffa's face, that's Yaffa's Snuggie now! Purrr-fect!

  2. My brother says my house is too cold.....

  3. How funny. Not 5 minutes before I read this post, I yelled out to no one in particular "I NEED A SNUGGIE!!" I'm sitting here now with my coat on my lap:)

  4. We keep our house at about 65-66. Wait til I tell my hubs about your temperature! He'd like to keep our heat up a bit higher.

    We had a turn of the century home back in Melrose, MA... with NO insulation, so I totally understand! I used to keep the heat down there too.

    What a thoughtful gift!

  5. Have you been able to keep the thermostat at 63 during the freezing spell we are having. Brrr. I usually keep it at 68, but recently I just keep pushing it up and up. I just can't get warm.


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