Sunday, September 19, 2010

Apple Crisp Deliciousness

With all those apples we picked at Maynard Farms, I decided to make one of my favorites. Apple Crisp! Hello, yummy goodness. It is a very easy recipe and I love making it instead of an apple pie because it tastes like pie without all the dough making hassle.
Visit the Greenish Thumb for other Garden to Table ideas!


  1. That looks so yummy! Im hungry now and am dying for apple crisp!

  2. YUMMY! When I was a kid I always would eat the topping off of my grandma's LOL, now I'm older I appreciate the whole thing!

  3. omg - this is screaming out my name. I'd add a scoop of ice cream too! :)

    Actually, our apple picking weekend has got to be coming up soon...and there are apple crisps to come in Maryland too!

  4. Yum. Reminds me of my Aunt Clarice who makes the best fruit crumbles. We used to pour heavy cream on top...

  5. I could go for some apple crisp to go with my coffee about now. Looks delicious!

  6. Who ever invented fruit crisp was a genius. I make it whenever I'm feeling lazy. I love making pie, but sometimes, it just seems so daunting a task.

  7. Looks good, but you didn't post your recipe!


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