If I knew that growing cucumbers would be this easy, I would have planted a lot more of these beauties in my garden. Our 5 cucumber plants have been producing so many cucumbers and we are so thrilled. Look at this vine! It totally climbed up the garden fence.

Check out this beauty. It was so pretty, that I didn't even want to pick it. But I did.

So far, we have harvested a total of 21 cucumbers! Awesome! And we decided to make them into... Pickles!

I always was afraid to pickle anything, because in my mind I always thought it was terribly difficult. However, making dill pickles was SO easy! So easy in fact that now I think I'm addicted! This recipe said to wait 10 days before trying the pickles, but who can wait that long?? LOL. I let the sliced cukes soak in the brine for 2 hours and then tasted it. O M G, the BEST pickles EVER!!! For seasoning I used dill, garlic, mustard seed, peppercorns, red pepper flakes, habanero pepper, sugar, vinegar and water. Better than any pickle I've ever bought at a store. By far!

This is definitely a year of firsts for me. First time with my own garden, first time pickling, and first time canning! I can't believe I didn't have a backyard before, this is way too much fun! This Ball canning utensil set, if you don't have it, you have to get it. It's so useful and the tong it comes with to pick up the hot jars works so well!

Does anyone know where you can buy cases of canning jars either online or at a store that is reasonably priced? We bought these jars at Michael's craft store for $1.99 for a quart jar. Pricey, if you ask me. We saw the same thing at A.C. Moore. Unfortunately, where we live, there aren't many places to buy canning jars. You'd think it would be something you can find in NYC, but nope, not really.

I put these babies in a hot water bath for 15 minutes and took them out and let it cool. And low and behold, when it was cool, it was indeed vacuum sealed!

Now, If I can only wait the 10 days before we open these....