Tuesday, April 19, 2011

400 and 100! And a Giveaway!

I realized today that I have reached 100 followers of this blog!  Wow, what exciting news!  I write this blog to document our adventures in gardening, and it's fun to look back in time to see what we did previously. It's all a learning experience for us, and writing about it helps us remember what worked and what didn't. I've been so busy with work this month that I just passed 400 blog posts and didn't realize it.  This is actually my 402 blog post!  How did I miss 400?  To celebrate both reaching 100 followers and hitting the 400 mark on blog posts, I am having a giveaway. Woot!  One lucky reader will win a Williams Sonoma piecrust cutter in the shape of leaves.  For all those growing fruit this summer and love to make pies, won't these look so adorable on top of your pie?
The shapes are absolutely cute!  To enter, just leave a comment on this blog post by Friday, April 22nd, 11:59pm PST.  On Saturday, I'll pick a winner at random using Random.org.  Good luck!


  1. 400 and 100 - that's fantastic! Congrats! Great idea with the pie crust cutters - fruit pie time will be here before we know it, and I personally can hardly WAIT. :)

  2. I can believe it Mimi! You have an awesome blog and so timely, you always post about something that is growing or going on around my garden at the same time too. Wouldnt these pie cut leaves go great on rhubarb pie?

  3. Woot! Congrats! It's been fun 'getting to know you'.
    And the pie crust things- too cute. I really need to work on my pie crust skills. It's one of those things I've never been very good at.

  4. These would indeed make for some beautiful pie crusts! Awesome giveaway :)

  5. Congratulations on the 100 and the 400!

    What cute pie crust cutters. I know somebody who just planted a "pie plant", AKA rhubarb! Wouldn't this be a great thing for me....er, her?

  6. Congratulations on your 100 followers! In four years, I've made it to 30!

  7. Congrats and congrats. I've enjoyed reading your blog. I love the piecrust cutters. I'm hoping to have enough blueberries and apples for some pies this summer.

  8. Ok, I must leave a sheltered life - I didn't even know that these gadgets even existed!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Those are just too cute!

  11. oh yes, this would look fantastic on my pies! :)

    Congrats on your 400 posts and 100 followers!! Who knew there'd be so much to discuss?! It's always fun to read about your adventures - in the kitchen, in the garden, on the road.

  12. Thanks for the giveaway, and congrats on reaching the 400 and 100 marks!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com


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