Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Garden Chat with Like Minded Gardeners

Every week, I try to participate in Garden Chat, (#gardenchat on Twitter), a weekly Twitter chat hosted by Bren at BG Garden.  Garden Chat is an one hour Twitter discussion among the gardening community to share tips, ideas, wisdom and stories.  A few weeks ago, Bren hosted a giveaway for one of the participants in the chat, and I won the prize!  She randomly picked my name, woohoo!  She sent me an awesome package that contained 3 packets of seeds, Manure "Moo Poo" Tea Bags from Authentic Haven Brand, and four 10-pack cells of  Fertilpots which are biodegradable wood fiber pots.The Fertilpots are totally biodegradable, I'm excited to try these out.  Annie at Authentic Haven Brand always participates in the garden chats so I can't wait to use the Manure Tea.  I've heard so many good things about it, and since we only do organic gardening, we need all the help we can get to feed the plants. I decided to give the tomato and lettuce seeds to my cousin Kathy because she's starting her first vegetable garden this year.  I hope it grows well for her.  Thanks so much Bren for the wonderful prize and for organizing such a great Garden Chat!  If you like to talk about gardening, come chat with us at Garden Chat, which is every Monday at 9pm EST, use #gardenchat in Twitter to be part of the discussion.

PS, Here's Yaffa the cat checking out the prize too. She loves packages too!


  1. It is always such a great surprise to find that you have won a prize.

  2. Congrats on winning. Never heard of manure tea bags....

  3. I'm curious to see what lettuce comes up from the #supersowsunday mix. It's a mystery! Hope to be able to ID it on gardenweb's "name that plant"


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